We've captured some of your most frequently asked questions. Please reach out to book a tour with one of our experienced staff members to find out more!
What age should my child start a Montessori Education?
Children are eligible to commence Preschool as soon as they turn 3 years of age. At Macedon Ranges Montessori Preschool, we offer a range of different session days and times, to suit the wider needs of many children and families. Our Kindergarten Manager and Kindergarten Teachers can work with you come up with a suitable plan to meet the needs of your child at the Preschool.

How large are Montessori classes?
We can have up to 22 children present at the Kinder on any given day (when we are at enrolment capacity), however, we know that there is a direct benefit to the learning success of the children when we have a mixed age group classroom/program as is the case within our Preschool. Classroom numbers are carefully managed to ensure all children's needs are met.
Why are the 3, 4 and 5 year olds all in the same room? What is the advantage of multi-aged classes?​
The mixed age group promotes community participation. More experienced children have the opportunity assist the less experienced children; to take on the role as a peer, teacher, mentor and modeller. The less experienced children have the opportunity to learn from their more experienced peers. This feeds back to the children’s feeling of self-esteem and Belonging, Being and Becoming. It is important to note that ‘more experienced’ child is not necessarily the older child but the child with more confidence and practice at a specific skill, task or process.

How many days per week can my child attend?
The Montessori program is designed for children to attend on a frequent basis of three or more sessions per week. This allows children to quickly develop strong relationships with our Educational Team and become familiar with the routines and equipment.
However, Macedon Ranges Montessori Preschool offers a range of session days and combination of days to give greater flexibility and support to the needs of each child and their respective families.
Session times 2025
8.30am-4.00pm – 15 hours over 2 days of Free Kinder
8.30am-4.00pm – 1 to 4 days available for unfunded (paid) students, or additional paid days for Free Kinder students
Session times 2024
8.30am-4.00pm – 15 hours over 2 days
9.00am-2.00pm – 15 hours over 3 days
8.30am-4.00pm – 3 to 4 days available
We are happy to enrol children in our program who have a funded enrolled place at another Kindergarten program.
Casual days are also available upon request depending on vacancies at the time/day required.

How do children handle transition to mainstream school after being at a Montessori school?
Some parents have concerns as to how their children will cope with the change to a traditional (mainstream) school.
Montessori is considered ‘education for life’, this implies all of life’s challenges and includes transitioning from a Montessori school to a traditional school. A child who has been enrolled within a Montessori program from the age of three will have had many years of practice in working collaboratively, negotiating, leading, following and learning how to adapt and rely on themselves. This is the perfect preparation and provides maximum potential for your child to develop for their move to traditional schooling. In fact all of the skills a child learns in their time in Montessori will assist them in primary school, high school, tertiary education and the workplace.
Montessori is more than the building blocks for later education, Montessori places heavy emphasis on learning for its own sake, developing knowledge and awareness of the world purely because it is incredible, fun and wonderful in and of itself.*
*Source: Montessori Australia